Python: pip installer

Install python , pip un/install/show x
pip install python               or manually install python   []
Jupyter notebook
pip install notebook           notebook calling: %%cmd> jupyter notebook   [Editor]
1. python -m pip install -U matplotlib   [plotting]            2.  pip install python-math   [math]
3. pip install pandas     [data set]                           4.  pip install numpy   [array]
5. pip install -U scikit-learn  [heighter math]         6.  pip install opencv-python    [Image/video]
7. python -m pip install scipy    [science]                 8.  pip install os-sys  [system]
9. pip install pyinstaller  [exe]                         10.  pip install PyAutoGUI  [Key-boart]  
11. pip install gTTS        text--voice                   12. pip install pyttsx3
13. pip install face-recognition   **dlib+cmack required**
14. pip install pygame     --audio play--                15. pip install playsound
16. pip install --upgrade wheel //*if moduil not install*//     17. pip install random2
18. pip install DateTime                                   19. pip install pydub [audio]
20. pip install pillow     [Image]                         21. pip install ipython
22. pip install                                           23. pip install 
24. pip install openpyxl     [Excel sheet]

Kivy App GUI programming in python
install in windows        [android apk]       
1. python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
2. python -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew
3. python -m pip install kivy.deps.gstreamer
4. python -m pip install kivy.deps.angle
5. python -m pip install kivy
kivy ( .py )---to---( .apk )
use google colaboratory to convert .py to .apk
Tkinter Desktop  GUI programming in python
pip install tk          [tkinter-GUI] 

Software making
--onefile [all in one] --windowed [no console in runnig] --icon=fname.ico [] 


[ --Eng.Rakhin babu-- ]
